Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Shilpa Gupta at The Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol

As interesting and awe-inspiring as Shilpa Gupta's creations were, I found the pieces were just too different from each other. Each work seemed to stand on it's own, delivering it's own message. Using a range of mediums including photography, sculpture and sound, Gupta addresses the diversity of modern culture, emphasising the impact different media sources have on our understanding. 

"Singing Cloud" (2008-9), a huge suspended form made up of 4000 microphones (some shown above), remains the most memorable part of the show. Hung in a darkened room, the ominous cloud's microphones have been redesigned to emanate sound, rather than register it. As the sound travels over the sculpture in ripples, these words, sung disjointedly by the artist herself, can be heard -

I want to fly,

High above in the sky

Don’t push me away

We shall all fly
High above in the sky

I want to fly high above
In your sky

Can you let it be
Only your power
And not your greed

A part of me will die
By your side
Taking you with me

High high above
in the sky

While you sleep I shall wake up and fly

To be honest, as impressive as this sculpture was, I believe it's meaning (which I struggle to comprehend) gets lost behind it's presentation. 

For more information about Shilpa Gupta, visit her website: http://www.flyinthe.net/index.htm

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